Saturday, February 1, 2020
And here we start into 2020, the year of the 100th birthday of the Theremin! The Lausanne Academy will open the season:
- Individual lessons with Carolina Eyck and Thierry Frenkel
- A "Build your open.theremin" (developed by Urs Gaudenz) workshop with Coralie Ehinger and Alain Gillièron, followed by an initiation to open.theremin playing for novices with Thierry.
- An "Advanced playing technique" seminar with Carolina, Thierry and hopefully a special guest.
- A workshop "Using the Theremin's CV and Gate outputs in theory and practice" including a patching hands on with Coralie
- An "open.orchestra" workshop, bringing all freshly built open.theremins (and more) to play music together.
- A chamber music class (theremin ensemble)